
Traveling when YOU want, how YOU want!

“I didn’t break the A/C unit, so I don’t have to sleep on the couch!”

Levi Henley, @Henleyhsappytrailsplus on Youtube

     Levi & Natalie Henley are full time RVers, they’re a married couple in their 30s out experiencing the world the way they want to do it. Dropping their by-the-book stable jobs and taking a risk. It was the middle of Summer when Levi received his SoftStartRV. Initially, Levi would not describe himself as an electrician by any means. So, when he received his SoftStartRV in the mail, the first thing he did was log online and start with the diagrams he found on the SoftStartRV website. Thankfully, he didn’t just find the diagrams, he also found the tech support contact. His wife, Natalie, was skeptical of his skills, but before she could worry Levi was already on the roof.

     With the trusted instructions from the Tech Support in hand, Levi was able to install the SoftStartHome perfectly. Not only that, it worked great! He put it through a series of tests. First, he only turned on his A/C unit, then he added more and more appliances. He was ecstatic about his new power management capabilities thanks to SoftStartRV. He says the best part was the installation was so simple, “I didn’t break the A/C, so I don’t have to sleep on the couch!” Now Levi and Natalie can utilize their A/C and more anywhere they travel!