How Many SoftStartRV Units Do You Need?

1 SoftStartRV
Regular Price $349
Sale $319 (Save $30)
FREE 90-Day Trial
FREE Shipping
1 FREE Bonus Install Kit

Best Choice
To Run 2 A/Cs On a 30-Amp Hookup
2 SoftStartRV
Regular Price $698
Sale $638 Save $60 ($30 each)
FREE 90-Day Trial
FREE Shipping
2 FREE Bonus Install Kits

3 SoftStartRV
Regular Price $1,047
Sale $957 Save $90 ($30 each)
FREE 90-Day Trial.
FREE Shipping
3 FREE Bonus Install Kits

4 SoftStartRV
Regular Price $1,396
Sale $1,276 Save $120 ($30 each)
FREE 90-Day Trial
FREE Shipping
4 FREE Bonus Install Kits

A Game Changer!
“This trailer has been all the way from San Diego to to North of the Arctic Circle , North of Fairbanks, Alaska. And this SoftStartRV is a game changer.”
- Bobby M.
Works Like A Champ!
Discovered right away coming to Florida that trying to run an air conditioner with a generator is impossible. It just kills the generator. So there we are sweating it out in, you know, a nice weekend, trying to enjoy everything and it’s so hot. And now, with this SoftStartRV installed in my trailer, I can hook my generator up and turn my air conditioning on anywhere and it works like a champ. It went in easy. I think the total install time was maybe 45 minutes, tested it out and it was flawless. And so I’m really happy to have this product and now I can enjoy a cooler time, and I can camp in those areas where I can get away from everybody and still be very, very comfortable.
- Dennis H.
This is terrific!
I bought the SoftstartRVand installed it in my Dometic15000 BTU A/C on my 5th Wheel! I was having a small problem wiring it and called the customer service line. Surprisingly, a real person answered. He explained the wiring process step by step. Thank you, My 2000-watt Honda generator started my A/C easily. A smart decision I made on getting this unit. Thank You!
- Brian C.