Soft Start RV Air Conditioner – How to Install and Enjoy Comfort on the Road

Ah, the great outdoors! Who doesn’t love the tranquillity of camping, the freshness of open sky, the warmth of a crackling fire? But, when it gets hot and the sun beats down, the scenery may become a bit tedious and downright unbearable if there isn’t any measure of comfort to shelter from the oppressive heat. This is why those savvy campers who say “been there, done that” more often than not have invested in a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner; the secret weapon to beating the heat in the great outdoors. Not only does the Soft Start make camping more enjoyable but there are plenty of other benefits as well.

In this blog post, let’s explore how to install and enjoy the Soft Start RV Air Conditioner – It’s not hard to get the most out of the Soft Start, but there are a few tricks you’ll want to know. After a quick installation and set up, the great outdoors will become your air conditioned haven. So, keep reading to learn how to upgrade your camping experience and enjoy the comfort you deserve while on the road.

Quick Answer to Key Question

The first step is to read the instructions carefully that come with the soft start kit. Make sure to turn off all power to the RV air conditioner before beginning installation of the soft start kit.

What is a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner?

A soft start RV air conditioner is a type of air conditioner specifically designed to use lower wattage than most standard RV air conditioners. It uses a single-start capacitor, which essentially lessens the amount of energy used to start the fan motor. This in turn helps the RV air conditioner run more efficiently and with greater reliability from unit to unit.

The debate surrounding this type of air conditioner is whether or not it’s a suitable substitute for a traditional RV air conditioner. Some critics argue that while the initial cost of purchasing a soft start RV air conditioner can be cheaper, they may require more frequent servicing and repairs down the road due to their design. Alternatively, advocates of this type of air conditioner point out that its low-wattage motors are more efficient and help conserve energy over time, making them ideal for extended camping trips in unfamiliar places.

Ultimately, it comes down to weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a soft start RV air conditioner when compared to a traditional unit and making an informed decision based on individual needs. The next section will cover how soft start RV air conditioning units are designed to run at low wattage as well as how this can be beneficial for both beginners and seasoned campers alike.

Designed to Run at Low Wattage

As an RV owner, it’s important to be mindful of your energy usage, as limited electricity and water on the road can make for a difficult journey. This is why many are turning to Soft Start RV Air Conditioners as an efficient and cost-effective way to keep their cabins cool. Designed with budget in mind, this type of air conditioner has the potential to provide lower wattage performance than a traditional HVAC system.

Soft Start air conditioners can run anywhere between 50-90% less wattage than other AC units – all while maintaining the same cooling power. Additionally, due to its intelligent heating element design and advanced technology, owners of Soft Start air conditioners also report reduced sound output, allowing them to enjoy a peaceful ride without the noise pollution associated with most traditional HVAC systems.

On the opposing side of the argument however, some users have found that while Soft Start RV Air Conditioners are designed to run at low wattage, they do struggle under certain conditions. When exposed to extreme heat and humidity, these air conditioners may require more wattage than anticipated in order to reach desired temperatures within the confines of an RV. In cases like this, owners may need to trade greater efficiency for higher wattage outputs if they wish to achieve acceptable comfort levels in their cabins.

No matter your preference for power efficiency or comfort level requirements, Soft Start RV Air Conditioners are an excellent way to reduce your energy overhead while enjoying comfortable cooling on the road. As we move forward into our discussion about how these innovative cooling systems work, let’s take a closer look into all that goes into keeping your cabin cool during those long trips away from home. How Does a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner Work?

How Does a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner Work?

A Soft Start RV Air Conditioner is a great way to enjoy the comforts of temperature control while on the road. It works by gradually increasing the air conditioning output when it is first turned on, resulting in lower start-up costs and quieter operation. That said, many people have debated whether or not a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner is worth the extra cost.

The benefit of using a Soft Start system is that it will reduce the amount of energy necessary to get your RV’s AC unit up and running, which can save you quite a bit of money over time. It also typically runs much quieter than a regular AC system due to its gradual start-up process. In addition, the Soft Start RV Air Conditioner system prevents high current spikes upon start-up and helps protect your RV’s wiring from damage due to electrical surges.

On the other hand, some argue that the cost savings in electricity may not be worth it for those who only take short trips occasionally. Furthermore, since most RV owners only run their AC units during hot months, there’s little chance that they’ll experience much difference in electricity bills with this type of system. Additionally, some people have voiced concern about potential reliability problems arising with software and control systems used in such units.

Whether or not a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner is for you depends on your personal needs and preferences. With this knowledge, you can now proceed to the next step of learning about how the cooling process works in an RV equipped with a Soft Start unit.

  • According to several studies, the use of a soft start RV air conditioner can save up to 40% or more on energy costs.
  • A soft start RV air conditioner reduces starting currents by up to 8 times when compared with a traditional air conditioner, thus reducing stresses on power lines.
  • Studies show that the use of a soft start RV air conditioner helps extend the lifespan of air conditioner components, as it eliminates large temperature differentials in the system that can cause wear and tear.

Cooling Process

Cooling an RV with a soft start air conditioner is an efficient way to maintain comfort levels inside. The process works by using fans and a compressor to move the air around, allowing a steady stream of cooled air to be automatically released into the living space. An evaporator coil in the unit helps convert the heated air into cooler air before it’s released. This type of cooling system is more energy-efficient compared to standard RV air conditioning units, as the compressor starts slowly, allowing for more cooling power within a shorter timespan. There are some drawbacks associated with this type of system as well: it can take up quite a bit of space in an RV, and installation isn’t always simple. For these reasons, some may find that traditional HVAC systems still offer better cooling solutions when traveling in climates that are consistently hot or humid.

Regardless of whether you use a soft start motor or the traditional method, both systems provide users with important advantages when enjoying their travels away from home. The next section will focus on these advantages and discuss why using a soft start motor is beneficial in terms of comfort on the road.

Benefits of Using a Soft Start Motor

The main benefit of using a soft start motor is the significant energy savings it provides. Soft starters reduce power draw by up to 40 percent, which subsequently reduces fuel consumption, emissions and noise pollution. Additionally, because there is no need for additional electrical components, the installation cost of a soft start motor is lower than other alternatives. Moreover, newer models are tailored for outdoor use and are built to withstand changes in temperature, humidity and other environmental factors, making them an ideal solution for RV use.

On the other hand, some critics claim that soft starters reduce torque output compared to hard starting motors, leading to slower acceleration and bigger risk of shock loading. Additionally, they require far more maintenance to ensure they continue running optimally over time.

Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of using a soft-start motor outweigh the risks in many applications. It is a practical solution for any RV owner looking for an easy way to save energy costs while on the road.

As such, getting the most out of a soft-start RV motor requires understanding how it works and how to install it properly so you can enjoy increased efficiency during your travels. This will be explored in the next section.

Must-Know Summary Points

The main benefit of using a soft start motor is its energy saving capabilities, which lowers power draw, fuel consumption, and noise pollution. The installation cost is also lower than other alternatives, and newer models are designed for outdoor use in different weather conditions. While a soft starter reduces torque output compared to hard starting motors, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in many situations. It is a practical solution for RV owners looking to save costs and increase efficiency while on the road. Understanding how it works and proper installation is key to getting the most out of a soft-start RV motor.

Increased Efficiency

The installation of a soft start RV air conditioner could be beneficial to increased efficiency. This is because the soft start reduces the amount of electricity needed to power the AC unit when it starts up, thereby reducing energy consumption. Soft starts also help reduce wear and tear on the AC components due to the slower startup speed. By reducing energy usage and preventing premature wear and tear on parts, soft start RV air conditioners can increase efficiency for RV owners.

Not everyone agrees that installing a soft start RV air conditioner will lead to increased efficiency. Some argue that in many cases, the initial cost of purchasing the soft start device negates any potential long-term savings by reducing energy use or preventing premature wear and tear on components. It’s important to weigh both sides of this argument before deciding if a soft start is right for you.

By instating a soft start RV air conditioner, you may find increased efficiency while on the road. However, understanding how a soft start works and learning how to install one is critically important to take advantage of all its benefits. Next we will discuss how to install a soft start RV air conditioner so that you can begin enjoying comfort on the road.

How to Install a Soft Start RV Air Conditioner

Installing a soft start RV air conditioner is an easy, cost-effective upgrade that can maximize the comfort of your RV’s interior. Soft starts are designed to reduce the voltage and strain on your RV’s electrical system when running the air conditioner, which helps preserve its lifespan while keeping it running at maximum power and efficiency. This guide provides an overview of the installation process as well as a few tips for getting the best results.

The first step to installing a soft start for your RV air conditioner is to purchase a soft starter kit. These kits, which come with all necessary wiring, controls and mounting hardware, must be compatible with both your RV’s existing circuitry and the specific model of air conditioner you are using. If you are unsure if your RV’s existing wiring is suitable for the soft start, be sure to consult an experienced electrician or the manufacturer of your air conditioner for guidance.

Once you have determined that your soft starter kit is compatible with your air conditioner, it’s time to begin the installation process. The procedure will vary slightly depending on whether you are dealing with a 120-volt or 240-volt connection. If you are unsure which type of connection is present in your RV, consult an experienced professional or refer to the owner’s manual included with your air conditioner. After locating the main power line leading from the RV’s battery bank or power supply source, it will then be necessary to link it up to the in-line side of the motor starter switch box.

If you are comfortable working with electricity and proficient at following diagrams, instructions and safety protocols for indoor electrical work (including considering any relevant local codes) you may attempt this yourself. In some cases however it can be worth bringing in an insured and licensed professional to ensure everything is completed safely.

Before testing out your newly installed soft start RV air conditioning system, make sure all wiring has been connected correctly and double check each circuit breaker along the path of main power line connections used throughout this install process. To ensure optimal performance and safety, review any user guides or manuals provided by the manufacturer prior to powering up your system and operating it as usual.

Installing a soft start for RV air conditioning can help reduce strain on electrical systems while maintaining efficient operation and prolonging durability without much effort or expense. With careful planning and preparation, you can experience the comfort of powerful cooling wherever you travel onthe road in no time! Now let’s take a look at how these setups function by examining their capacitor circuitry in more detail.

Soft Start Capacitor Circuity

Installing a soft start RV air conditioner can drastically improve comfort on the road. The soft start capacitor circuit is an integral part of this process. It acts as a sort of buffer, reducing the inrush of current that is required when an air conditioning unit starts up. When this circuit is utilized, the air conditioner will start up gradually, leading to less stress and strain on the compressor motor and other components. As a result, your HVAC system will have a longer service life and require less frequent repairs due to wear and tear.

However, there are some downsides to using a soft start capacitor circuit. For instance, additional circuitry can cause incorrect readings on thermostats which base temperature off of current draw rather than actual temperature measurements. Furthermore, because this type of accessory bears extra cost and complexity to an installation, novice users may prefer to opt for more traditional wiring setups if budget or ease of use is a primary concern.

Finally, it must be noted that while soft starts can provide a great many benefits to campers with more complex A/C units, they are not always necessary when setting up an RV AC system. Depending on your specific goals and situation, you may find that skipping the soft start capacitor circuitry is a more suitable choice for your needs.

With that being understood, those interested in exploring the benefits further can look for guidance in our next section about soft starts for beginners. We provide valuable information about understanding the different features available with soft start systems and provide suggestions on how best to install them.

Soft Starts for Beginners

Soft starts for RV air conditioners are a great way to regulate power usage and remain comfortable on the road. RV owners looking to install a soft start device may benefit from understanding the mechanics of the system and its features. Soft starts provide many advantages, such as protection against electrical system voltage drops, reduced current flow, and a longer lifespan for AC motors; however, some attitudes question their overall effectiveness.

Documentation typically associated with soft starts can be complicated and overwhelming. Due to this complexity, some believe that any self-installed soft start unit is incorrectly wired or not optimally configured. Installing an incorrect soft start may result in motor damage due to an incorrect voltage which could generate too much heat for the motor. On the other hand, others think unawareness of these set-ups is what leads people astray; if done correctly, it is argued that a soft start can provide more power efficiency than traditional starting methods.

Nevertheless, properly installed soft starts provide AC motors with a slow rise in voltage such that they don’t draw any large surges that could otherwise overload the device or trigger other costly repairs. While they should be used with caution by beginners, they can offer excellent protection to RVs. Ultimately though, deciding whether or not to install a RV air conditioning soft start comes down to personal preference and comfort level with installation.

With all this in mind, let us now move on to the conclusion of this article where we outline the ultimate takeaways from the discussion about soft starts for RV air conditioners.


Installing a Soft Start RV air conditioner is a great way to enjoy increased comfort and convenience while on the road. It eliminates the jarring start-up of traditional air conditioners, making it easier for users to enjoy the desired temperature sooner. Furthermore, the soft start mechanism helps reduce wear and tear on the motor, resulting in a longer life cycle for the unit.

On the other hand, some may have reservations about the cost of a Soft Start RV air conditioner compared to that of a conventional unit. While it is more expensive up front, its long-term savings in terms of energy use could make it worth investing in. Taking into account that RV units tend to be used more often than residential units and are located outdoors with higher temperatures and direct sun exposure, energy savings can be significant. As well, reduced maintenance costs due to fewer start-ups lowers overall cost over time as well.

In the end, an RV air conditioner with a Soft Start mechanism is an excellent way to cut down on both energy usage and noise output without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Whether you own an RV or are planning to purchase one, installing an unit with this feature provides peace of mind and reliability that you can rely on mile after mile.

Responses to Common Questions with Explanations

Are there any maintenance requirements for a soft start RV air conditioner?

Yes, a soft start RV air conditioner does have some maintenance requirements. These include regularly cleaning or replacing the air filter and checking the voltage of the electrical connection to ensure it is within the correct range. Additionally, it is important to inspect the outdoor coils for debris periodically and lubricate any moving parts on occasion. Proper maintenance can help to keep your soft start air conditioner running effectively and efficiently and extend its lifespan.

What types of RV air conditioners are compatible with a soft start system?

Soft start RV air conditioners are compatible with virtually any type of RV air conditioner, including roof-mounted and ducted systems, as well as non-ducted air conditioners, including window units and through-the-wall units. These systems provide users with unparalleled comfort, especially when compared to standard split systems that draw a lot of current when starting up. The advantages of the soft start system include improved energy efficiency and reduced wear and tear on compressors, resulting in better system longevity. Additionally, due to the controlled current draw of the soft start system, it is a great option for RVs with limited power sources allowing them to run their air conditioners without having to worry about tripping a breaker or using too much power.

What are the benefits of using a soft start RV air conditioner?

The benefits of using a soft start RV air conditioner are numerous. First and foremost, it allows for easier and safer installation of a air conditioning unit in an RV. It does this by providing a more gradual start-up of the motor, minimizing the jolt associated with high power surges during start-up. This reduces wear and tear on both the air conditioner’s components and its surrounding environment. Additionally, because of its soft start capability, the RV AC unit can be configured to run at lower maximum power levels without sacrificing cooling performance. This can lead to significant energy savings and improved service life of the RV AC unit and its components. Finally, installation is much simpler since no additional wiring or devices needs to be installed in order to use a soft start RV air conditioner. All of these benefits make installing and enjoying comfortable temperatures on the road much easier.