Soft Start Kit for AC – Reduce Stress on Your AC Unit and Save Money

If you have ever found yourself frustrated by annoying loud AC start-ups, then you’ll be delighted to know that using a soft start kit for AC can reduce the stress on your unit and potentially save you some money in the process.

Since you’re here, you’re probably trying to figure out why a soft starter might be worth your while. After all, AC units are notoriously expensive and repairs can cause even more financial drain. So, is a soft starter compatible with your AC unit and should you invest in one?

We’re here to provide you with information on the basics of an AC soft starter, how to determine if you should use one, and the potential financial benefits that come from investing in such a device. Plus, you’ll get the lowdown on avoiding repair costs and protecting your AC unit from future damage. Read on to learn more about soft start kits for AC and how this new technology can potentially help you stay cool.

Quick Overview of Key Points

A soft start kit is used to regulate the starting current of an AC unit. It helps prevent damage to the motor due to sudden, heavy loads when the AC unit is switched on.

What is a Soft Start Kit?

A soft start kit is an electrical device that helps protect air conditioners from fluctuating and unstable power. This device helps reduce the stress of the AC unit, while still allowing it to start up quickly when called upon by the user. The soft start kit works by gradually increasing the voltage sent to the motor of the air conditioner, preventing it from being exposed to sudden spikes or drops in power. This stability helps protect the sensitive components in AC units and can extend their lifespan significantly.

Advocates for installing soft start kits contend that these devices can save money in several ways. Firstly, they may reduce energy bills by limiting the amount of power used, particularly at startup when large surges can occur. Secondly, it can also help avoid costly repairs, as its protection will increase the longevity of an AC unit.

On the other hand, some experts argue that choosing not to install a soft start kit may be beneficial because it can require less setup time than if one were installed and could therefore improve energy efficiency as a result of quicker startup times. Additionally, existing models with well-designed control panels are usually able to absorb any voltage fluctuations without outside help. Therefore, whether or not one should install a soft start kit often comes down to personal preference and the particular AC model being used.

Despite this debate, it is clear that soft start kits offer considerable benefits for protecting AC units and potentially saving money on energy bills by reducing strain on an AC unit. As such, these devices are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who wish to minimize their total energy costs and prolong their air conditioner’s lifespan. Now that we’ve established what a soft start kit is let’s take a look at some of its benefits next.

Benefits of Installing a Soft Start Kit

Installing a soft start kit can be beneficial for your AC as it will protect the motor from power surges, while also reducing its energy consumption. This can help extend the life of your AC unit and save you money in the long term. Not only that, but since it regulates power to the AC unit, less current is drawn, which helps lighten the load on the electrical system in your home or business.

There are some drawbacks associated with soft start kits as well. Since they reduce voltage and current draw, they can significantly slow down motor acceleration, leading to lags in operation and inconsistent performance. Moreover, some types of AC units may not be suitable for a soft start kit as it requires significant modification to the electrical system.

In spite of this, installing a soft start kit can provide numerous benefits by ensuring that any motor-driven appliance runs smoothly and efficiently. It can reduce expenses related to energy consumption and allow for greater control over how much current is supplied at one time.

The next section will discuss further how a soft start kit can reduce current draw and voltage spikes in more detail.

Reducing Current Draw & Voltage Spikes

Reducing current draw and voltage spikes is a key feature of soft start kits for AC units. Voltage spikes and starts with a high inrush current can be hard on the unit motor, causing the motor to prematurely fail due to increased stress and wear and tear. Soft start kits reduce this current draw by slowly increasing the supply current over time as the motor starts, resulting in less stress and wear on the AC unit’s motor.

An additional benefit of using a soft start kit is reducing power wastage when starting your AC unit. During a normal startup, your AC unit requires more energy than at any other point of operation due to the high inrush currents when starting. By using a soft start kit, the amount of energy required to start your unit is reduced, saving you money over time.

Supporters of using a soft start kit argue that it offers better protection for your AC motor by reducing both current draw and voltage spikes during startup, which could lead to premature failure if left unchecked. With adequate protection from a soft start kit, your AC motors will last longer, reducing downtime and saving you money on expensive repairs or replacements.

Opponents of using soft start kits may argue that they are not always needed for units with low horse power levels or low inrush currents, where the extra cost may not be worthwhile. Additionally, they may claim that higher end motors are generally better suited to handle voltage spikes with no major repercussions. While this may be true in some cases, manufacturers still recommend installing a soft start kit for added protection even in these scenarios.

In conclusion, installing a soft start kit on an AC unit not only helps reduce wear and tear on its motor by reducing current draw and voltage spikes, but also saves money over time by reducing energy wastage when starting up. This brings us to our next section about how a soft step kit provides protection against motor overloads.

  • According to an article published by PowerPlus Electric, Inc., soft start technology can reduce power consumption by up to 60% compared to traditional start-up methods.
  • A study published in 2020 found that installing a soft starter for air conditioning units reduced current peak demands by 27.16% and improved the voltage waveform with less harmonic distortion.
  • According to an article in ASHRAE Journal, using soft starters for commercial air conditioners can help improve their life span by 30%-50%, thus reducing costs associated with maintenance and repairs.

Protection Against Motor Overloads

When using a Soft Start Kit on an AC unit, there is the potential to be protected against motor overloads. Motor overload happens when there is inadequate cooling capacity, which can lead to larger temperature differences in the compressor and cause it to fail. This could result in unexpected costs in repairs. Long-term use of a Soft Start Kit will reduce the risk of motor overloads and associated failures. It also helps spread the electrical load more evenly over the line, resulting in lower utility bills as well as protection from motor overloads.

The importance of preventing motor overloads cannot be overstated, but there are some drawbacks to using Soft Start Kits as a means of protection. For one, if used incorrectly or overloaded, it can be ineffective at protecting against motor overloads and even cause the electric motor itself to burn out. As such, it’s important for those installing a kit to make sure they follow all instructions correctly and not try to use too large a load with a smaller kit.

Given these considerations, it’s still clear that Soft Start Kits offer a valuable layer of protection against motor overloads when used properly. With this knowledge in mind, let’s move on to addressing how install these kits and get the most out of them. The next section dives into how to install a Soft Start Kit so you can enjoy uninterrupted AC performance free from motor overloads and any associated costs.

Must-Know Points

Soft start kits provide a layer of protection against motor overloads, which can reduce associated costs for repairs and utility bills. However, improper installation or use of too large a load with a smaller kit can lead to failures and burnouts. It is important to carefully follow the instructions when installing a soft start kit to ensure maximum efficiency and prevention of motor overloads.

Instructions for Installing a Soft Start Kit

Installing a soft start kit for your AC unit is an easy and quick process that can be done in minutes. If you are unsure of how to properly install the kit, it is important to contact a qualified HVAC technician to handle installation. Prior to installation, make sure that you read through all manuals and safety bulletins carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the application. With just some basic tools and common sense, you can easily install a soft starter kit for your AC unit.

Before installing the soft start kit, it is important to turn off the power supply leading to your AC unit. Then, carefully disconnect any motor wires that may be connected to the existing control wiring. Make sure all connections are clean before proceeding. Next, connect the current sensor clips to each phase of the motor using wire nuts. Connect the remaining power terminals of theSoft Start Kit together accordingly as instructed in the manual. When finished with this connection, use cable ties or clamps provided by the manufacturer to ensure secure wiring connections throughout the system.

One pro argument regarding the installation of a Soft Start Kit is that it helps reduce stress on your AC unit thereby decreasing energy costs associated with operating your unit. On the other hand, it’s important to note that installs can become complicated due to compatibility between parts of different systems. If not careful during installation, it could cause serious damage to circuits or other components within an AC system. It is essential for homeowners or contractors dealing with Soft Start Kits installations to understand all necessary steps and information prior to beginning any work on a compromised or aging AC system.

Now that instructions have been given on how to install a Soft Start Kit, let’s move on to further discuss mounting such kits in our next section.

Mounting a Soft Start Kit

Mounting a Soft Start Kit is one of the easier tasks in the installation process. In general, these units can be mounted indoors or outdoors and are typically attached to a wall. Some models may need to be installed in an approved enclosure for protection from the elements.

In most cases, it’s best to mount the unit as close as possible to the AC unit, but each device will come with its own specific instructions. It helps to designate a spot prior to beginning and make sure that there is also adequate airflow around the kit itself.

One of the biggest debates surrounding soft start kits stems from whether or not they offer enough protection against environmental damage. Proponents point out that when mounted properly according to manufacturer specifications and in an appropriate enclosure if necessary, the unit should remain resilient in most conditions. Meanwhile, others argue that the amount of protection offered by the enclosure isn’t enough, leaving these kits vulnerable.

Ultimately, this is something that will depend on where a particular kit is being mounted and what kind of environment it will be exposed to. Proper research should be conducted beforehand to ensure that any potential issues arising from mounting outdoors are addressed and avoided as thoroughly as possible.

Now that a Soft Start Kit has been mounted, it’s time to begin wiring connections.

Wiring Connections

Wiring Connections are the most important aspect of installing a soft start kit to an AC unit. It is necessary to properly connect the wires between the component parts of the kit. The exact process and number of connections will depend on how many fan speeds, tonnage, or other special features you are installing.

It needs to be done with caution as any installation error may have an adverse effect on the system’s performance and can cause further damage due to fluctuating voltage levels. Professional installation should be considered for customers who lack experience in connecting electrical components.

A properly wired connection should create a safe and efficient power flow, allowing for better control over the device and more reliable operation. This can reduce stress on the AC unit, resulting in fewer maintenance costs and repairs throughout its life span. Additionally, by limiting peak current and controlling start-up torque levels it can also help save money in energy bills.

On the other hand, neglecting proper wiring connections may lead to a false start of the motor or vibrations coming from the AC unit which would not only reduce its lifespan but also cause overheating of both electronic components and mechanical parts – leading to costly repairs in the end.

Once you have made all wiring connections, properly adjusted all settings, and securely fastened all mounting screws, your AC unit equipped with a soft start kit is ready for use.

Next, let us discuss how to adjust the soft start kit for optimal performance levels and cost savings.

Adjusting the Soft Start Kit

Adjusting a Soft Start Kit is an easy process generally requiring only basic electrical knowledge and tools. An adjustment to the Soft Start Kit can help improve the performance of motors and other electrical components, reducing stress on the AC unit.

When adjusting the soft start kit, the most important thing is to ensure the currents are correctly set and that the voltage levels do not exceed the maximum recommended value. The currents should be adjusted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, if there is any indication that a situation may change, such as an increase in load voltage or frequency, then it will be necessary to readjust the kit accordingly. It is also important to note that if current is exceeded for too long, permanent damage could occur, so careful adjustment of currents must be observed at all times.

It can be argued that adjusting a Soft Start Kit requires more effort than simply replacing existing parts in an AC unit, creating a less favorable installation procedure. However, its ability to reduce erratic start up on motors and other components make it beneficial in many situations. As such, taking time to carefully adjust the Soft Start Kit can greatly improve overall performance and reduce system stress on your AC unit over time.

From careful adjustment of a Soft Start Kit comes better performance for AC units and cost savings for homeowners. In the next section we’ll look at what might go wrong with Soft Start Kits and how best to troubleshoot any issues you may come across.

Troubleshooting a Soft Start Kit

Troubleshooting a soft start kit can be a daunting task for those unversed in the device’s internal components and electrical specifications. There are a few common issues that can arise with a soft start kit that are easy to identify and solve. The most frequent of these issues include starter capacitor burn out, failed capacitor charge and inadequate wiring.

Starter Capacitor Burnout:

If the starter capacitor has been burned out due to an overload or an electrical surge this can prevent operation. Replacing the capacitor is the best option to rectify this problem.

Failed Capacitor Charge:

A failed charge of the capacitors can also lead to a non-functioning soft start kit. To diagnose this bug you must measure the capacitance and verify that it is within the design specifications outlined in your system’s manual. If not then replacing or recharging them might be required.

Inadequate Wiring:

Soft start kits require specific wiring relations to work properly, so it is important to make sure all wires are connected properly with tight connections and no bare sections showing where the insulation has become worn away. If any of the internal wiring has been damaged or broken then replacing those wires will likely bring about a solution.


In conclusion, troubleshooting a soft start kit requires an attention to detail and understanding of its electrical components in order to identify and solve any issues that may arise. In this section we explored some of the most common issues associated with soft start kits such as starter capacitor burn out, failed capacitor charge and inadequate wiring, each having their own solutions which may range from replacing components to rewiring certain areas depending on the extent of damage sustained by the unit itself. In our next section, we will discuss our concluding remarks on using soft start kits for AC units and why they are increasingly becoming more popular in home systems across the board.


Since the launch of Soft Start Kits for ACs, they have been heralded as a great solution to reducing stress on AC units and saving money. On one hand, they are proven to reduce stress on the motors of single-phase AC systems, meaning that the longevity of the system is increased and repairs could become fewer and more far apart. On the other hand, they can be costly investments, with some kits costing several hundred dollars alone.

Beyond just saving money over time, soft start kits are also beneficial to the environment, as their reduced power draw can lead to an overall reduction in emissions caused by running an air conditioning system. Additionally, it is possible for modern soft start kits to protect motors from overvoltage and under-voltage incidents as well as providing automated protection for when a unit draws too much current.

In short, although there are some hesitations about investing in a Soft Start Kit due to initial costs, its long-term life extension benefits make them both cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions for any setting where single-phase ACs exist. In the end, making this small investment could result in long term rewards for both the air conditioner’s owner and environment alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the drawbacks of installing a soft start kit for an AC?

The drawbacks of installing a soft start kit for an AC unit include the upfront cost, which could be several hundred dollars. Additionally, the installation process can be time consuming and require specialized knowledge. It can also reduce peak efficiency since the motor starts at a reduced speed and then ramps up over time. Finally, many older units are not compatible with soft start kits and would need to be replaced in order for the device to work properly.

How does a soft start kit for an AC work?

A soft start kit for an AC is designed to reduce the stress on your AC unit and save money. It works by gradually ramping up the amount of power used when your AC unit starts up, rather than starting it with a sudden burst of energy. This results in less wear and tear on the motor and other components, extending its life and reducing energy costs. A soft start kit can also help protect your home from power-related problems such as circuit tripping or brownouts by preventing a large surge of electricity when starting. Additionally, a proper installation of a soft start kit will result in improved performance and comfort due to reduced temperature variations caused by the slow start process.

What are the benefits of having a soft start kit for an AC?

The primary benefit of having a soft start kit for an AC is that it reduces stress on the AC unit, which in turn can help save money. A soft start kit helps to ease the initial surge of electricity when the compressor motor starts up, meaning that less energy is lost as heat and more energy is used to cool your space. This can result in significant energy savings when compared to starting without a soft start kit.

Additionally, by soft-starting your AC unit, you can reduce strain on the motor’s bearings and other moving parts inside the compressor. This helps extend the life of your AC unit since less wear and tear is being put on it over time, resulting in fewer repairs being needed in the future.

Overall, having a soft start kit can be a great way to save money on both energy bills and maintenance costs. It also helps extend the life of your AC unit, so you won’t need to replace it as frequently.