RV AC Soft Start Kit – Get the Best Performance from Your AC Unit

It’s no secret that running the air conditioner in your RV can really take a toll on the electrical system, quickly draining your battery and potentially even causing an electrical fire. But what if you could prevent these problems without having to reduce the amount of AC you can use? This blog post will discuss why an RV AC Soft Start Kit is the perfect solution to get the best performance from your AC unit while also preserving your battery and other components. Not only can these kits help you optimize your power draw, but they also ensure that your air conditioner is running smoothly at all times – and can even help reduce the amount of noise it produces, too! Not to mention, RV AC Soft Start Kits are incredibly easy to install and use, making it a worthwhile investment for any RV owner. So read on to learn more about why RV AC Soft Start Kits are a must-have for your AC unit.

Quick Answer to Key Question

There are many options when it comes to choosing a soft start kit for your RV AC. The best choice for your unit will depend on the size and type of AC you have, so be sure to research your specific model before purchasing any product.

What is a Soft Start Kit?

A Soft Start Kit is a device that allows for a gradual start of air conditioning units. By providing a regulated flow of electricity, the Soft Start Kit will slowly turn on the compressor, bringing it to full capacity over a set amount of time. This gradual approach helps minimize the initial power surge found in RV air conditioners, resulting in smoother operation and less strain on the internal workings of the unit.

Installation of a Soft Start Kit provides several advantages. Systems with soft starts will draw less current from the battery pack or power supply than those without one. This serves to reduce the wear and tear commonly seen in RV air conditioners due to high electrical loads, allowing them to operate longer and more efficiently. Furthermore, gradual startups tend to vibrate more steadily than hard startups, providing quieter operation overall. Finally, AC equipment equipped with a Soft Start kit can be used with many different types of generators and other power sources as it reduces the amount of voltage needed on startup.

However, there are some downsides to using a Soft Start Kit. As they do introduce an additional component into the system, they can increase both installation time and cost. Also, while these devices will generally work with most generators and other power sources, some higher-powered models not designed for soft starts may require extra components or modifications to be used safely.

In conclusion, a Soft Start Kit can provide several benefits when installed with an RV AC unit by helping to reduce wear and tear on the equipment caused by electrical currents, making it easier on both your generator and your wallet! With that said, learning more about how Soft Start Kits work is essential before investing in one for your own set up. In the following section we will discuss in greater detail exactly how this important piece of equipment operates.

Essential Points to Remember

A Soft Start Kit is a device that can be used with RV air conditioners to help reduce wear and tear, increase efficiency, and provide quieter operation. Installation of a Soft Start Kit has several advantages, however it can also be costly and require additional components or modifications for certain power sources. In conclusion, learning more about Soft Start Kits is essential before investing in one for your own set up.

How Does it Work?

The RV AC Soft Start Kit is designed to optimize the performance of your AC unit, making it run more efficiently and cost-effectively. This kit works by reducing the amount of electricity required to start an AC motor by gradually ramping up the voltage when the system is powered on. This gradual increase in electricity reduces the strain put on a motor during startup, which can help preserve its lifespan. The Soft Start kits are compatible with most RV AC units as long as you have a powerful enough motor and a compatible band switch.

When you purchase one of these kits, installation is relatively straightforward due to its plug-and-play capabilities. You must first mount the soft starter onto your wall, then connect its wires to power points and/or sliding contacts on both the existing band switch and motor. Once connected, you will be able to control the amount of electrical current that is used when starting up your AC unit – this means a lower electricity bill!

There are some drawbacks to consider before purchasing one of these kits for your RV AC system. First, they can be somewhat expensive depending on where you buy them from and how many components you need in order for them to work with your particular set-up. Also, in some instances, Soft Starter Kits can reduce performance or reduce the number of cooling stages that can be achieved with an AC unit (from 5 to 3). That said, if installed correctly and maintained well, these kits can pay for themselves quickly in reduced electricity costs and improved motor efficiency over time.

With this information in mind, let’s move on to examining the benefits of using a Soft Start Kit for an RV AC System.

Benefits of Using a Soft Start Kit for an RV AC System

Using an RV AC Soft Start Kit is beneficial for any RV AC system in order to ensure the best performance from the unit. The kit helps to reduce the amount of time it takes for the ac unit to reach its cooling level, so that it can be comfortably used in a much faster period of time. Additionally, some soft start kits on the market feature built-in protection for the motor which prevents voltage spikes and other issues that could potentially damage your AC Unit. This in turn helps prolong the lifespan of both your RV AC unit as well as its components.

In addition to improved performance, another major advantage of using a soft start kit is that it allows you to operate your RV AC Unit at a lower or reduced power rating than its normal setting. Running an AC at a lower voltage setting not only saves on energy costs, but also reduces noise and enhances operating efficiency. By investing in a soft start kit and adjusting your RV’s AC settings accordingly, you are guaranteed an improved cooling performance with decreased energy consumption.

On the other hand, some argue that using a Soft Start Kit offers minimal benefits and could be seen as an unnecessary expense given the cost associated with purchasing one. It is important to note, however, that this cost typically outweighs potential problems with malfunctioning or inadequate cooling due to excessive wear-and-tear on motor components. Moreover, particularly for RVers who often hit hot climates during summertime, investing in both a Soft Start Kit and a surge protector can offer even more protection for their AC system and may prevent any electrical problems from plaguing their vehicle in the future.

Overall, installing a Soft Start Kit is certainly advantageous over leaving an AC system with no protection or surge suppressor present. For anyone looking to maximize both their comfort level while also preventing unnecessary damages or wear to their RV’s AC system, investing in such a kit will prove beneficial in the long run.

Moving onto even greater levels of convenience and performance optimization, let’s dive into what features make Soft Start Kits such an advantage to use with an RV air conditioner system:

  • RV AC soft start kits can reduce the energy consumed by air conditioners, resulting in savings of up to 25% on monthly power bills.
  • Installing a soft start kit on an air conditioner can reduce its starting current draw from 8-12 times to 2-4 times the amperage.
  • According to a study published in 2016, a 10% reduction in peak load demand can lead to significant cost and environmental savings for power utilities.

Features of RV AC Soft Start Kits

RV AC soft start kits offer a number of features that can help RV owners get the best performance from their AC units. These kits include a special relay, which allows for the AC unit to start at a lower voltage and gradually increase to full power, resulting in a smoother start and better protection for the compressor. Additionally, these kits are designed to reduce start up current, helping to reduce electrical load on the generator or shore power point, preventing any shut down or overloading issues.

One advantage of these kits is that they allow for a gradual buildup of voltage over time, giving RV owners great flexibility when it comes to determining how quickly the AC unit should start and providing peace of mind from potential overloads or damage caused by starting it too quickly.

The downside of soft start kits is that they require more wiring work than other solutions, making them more expensive and more time consuming to install. Moreover, the heat generated by the additional wiring may cause the compressor to become damaged over time. Additionally, if the kit malfunctions it can result in an overload, potentially damaging both the electrical circuit and the compressor.

Overall, RV AC soft start kits can be a great option for those who want to ensure their AC units perform optimally while also reducing their electrical load while operating.

Given its advantages and disadvantages, RV AC soft start kits can be beneficial tools for those looking to get the maximum efficiency out of their AC units–but only if properly installed and maintained to safeguard against potential malfunctions or overloading issues.

Now that we have explored some of the features of RV AC soft start kits, let’s take a look at how these features relate to current, voltage, and power output in the next section.

Current, Voltage, and Power Output

For the best performance from an RV air conditioner, careful consideration must be taken into account of the current, voltage, and power output. A residential 120 volt system typically draws 15 amps. To get the desired performance, it is generally recommended to have a higher amperage and a lower line voltage in order to produce the required current.

An RV air conditioner compressor always requires more current than standard applications, which can cause problems for electrical systems that are not designed to handle an increased draw in power. Electrical systems can become damaged as a result of an over-amped condition drawn from too high a current surge when the compressor kicks on. Therefore, if a lower voltage is presented for a few milliseconds, it allows time for the capacitors to charge in the compressor motor. This ensures that the compressor does not begin with an excessive current draw and may help protect the electrical system while providing sufficient power to run the AC unit at maximum efficiency.

Installing a soft start kit for your RV AC is one way to reduce both initial current draw as well as total operating amperage by regulating startup sequences and running temperatures. In this way, optimizing power output helps provide efficient cooling while preventing damage to other components within your RV’s electrical system. The next section will discuss how to install a soft start kit for an RV AC unit and the potential benefits associated with doing so.

Installing a Soft Start Kit for Your RV AC

Installing a soft start kit or capacitor is a great way to get the best performance from your RV air conditioner. While it may seem daunting at first, in reality, this is a fairly straightforward and simple process that many owners can do themselves with some basic tools and mechanical know-how. To begin, you must first locate and remove the fan-out cover on your RV’s AC unit. This is usually easy to access with a screwdriver. Next, disconnect all power wires leading to the motor. By now you should have access to the air conditioner’s starting capacitor and run capacitors. Carefully remove the existing capacitors before mounting the new ones to the fan-out cover and reassembling the air conditioner starting capacitor and run capacitors.

The advantages of installing this kit are clear: it reduces energy consumption and extends the life of your RV AC, as well as reducing wear on other components. Plus, because it helps prevent premature motor failure, it can save money both in terms of repair costs as well as extending the useful life of your RV AC system overall.

On the other hand, there are potential drawbacks to be aware of too. Depending on the brand you purchase, these kits tend to be slightly more expensive than standard motor start kits, although they also tend to be much quieter in operation. Also, if you’re not very technically savvy or clumsy with a screwdriver, incorrect installation could cause damage or even put you at risk of electric shock from exposed wired connections. As such, some people may find it better – or safer – to employ a qualified technician for installation instead.

No matter which route you take though, installing a soft start kit can help ensure top performance from your RV AC unit while potentially reducing energy costs too. With that said, let’s now turn our attention to FAQs about soft start kits for RV ACs as we continue our exploration into how these devices can help improve your unit’s performance.

FAQs About Soft Start Kits for RV ACs

1. What is a soft start kit for RV ACs and how does it work?

A soft start kit for RV ACs is a device for your air conditioner that reduces the amount of energy needed to to run the motor, allowing it to start up more quickly and run more efficiently. It works by controlling the flow of voltage in the AC’s motor, allowing it to smooth out fluctuations in power that can cause damage and reduce performance.

2. How do I know if I need a soft start kit RV AC?

Whether or not you need a soft start kit depends on your particular set-up. If your RV has older wiring, or you have several other appliances running at once while trying to turn on the AC, then it could benefit from the addition of a soft start kit. Generally speaking, however, these kits are only necessary when your RV’s current draw surpasses the rating of the electrical connections within your setup.

3. What are the benefits of using a soft start kit for my RV AC?

The primary benefit is improved efficiency and longer life span for your RV AC unit. By smoothing out power fluctuations, these kits can help protect against overheating, which can significantly reduce wear-and-tear on internal components of the unit over time. This means that adding one of these kits can potentially increase the longevity of your RV’s air conditioner. In addition, since they use less energy when starting up, they can help keep costs down too.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using a soft start kit for my RV AC?

The primary drawback is cost; soft start kits can be quite expensive compared to regular AC units and require professional installation in order to get optimal results. Another potential downside is that because they slow down the initial current surge needed to turn on an AC unit, they can take several seconds longer than usual before furnishing cool air, so there may be a noticeable delay before you’re feeling comfortable inside again.

Frequently Asked Questions and Responses

What is a soft start kit for an RV AC?

A soft start kit for an RV AC is a device designed to help with the starting of an air conditioner unit. It works by reducing the large starting current normally required to start an AC unit, which can cause significant wear and tear on the associated wiring and other electrical components. By reducing this starting current, the soft start kit provides improved power efficiency, reduced stress on the system, longer life for related components and increased savings for the owner of the RV AC system. Additionally, it helps to minimize any spikes or surges in electricity during startup, resulting in a more stable operation of the AC. Ultimately, a soft start kit ensures better performance from your RV AC.

How do I install a soft start kit for an RV AC?

Installing a soft start kit for an RV AC is a relatively simple process that only requires a few steps. First, turn off the power to the AC unit, either by unplugging the power cord or shutting off the circuit breaker. Next, you’ll need to access the wiring inside and outside of your RV by removing the access panel on the side of the AC unit. Install the soft start kit according to the instructions that come with it and make sure all of the wires are properly connected. After this, reattach the access panel and turn on the power to the unit again to ensure it is functioning correctly. If everything is working properly you should be able to enjoy improved performance from your AC unit.

What are the benefits of using a soft start kit for an RV AC?

Using a soft start kit for an RV AC comes with a variety of benefits. Firstly, it helps to evenly distribute and regulate the current drawn by the AC unit, which can help reduce strain on the electrical system of the RV. With a soft start kit, the electric current is spread out over a longer period of time, as opposed to being taken all in one go. This also avoids any loud or sudden noises coming from the appliance that could be disruptive or even damaging when run for extended periods.

In addition, using a soft start kit can help to prolong the lifespan of your AC unit by reducing wear and tear caused by frequent starting and stopping. Because they allow a smooth startup process, you don’t have to worry about motor windings overheating or components vibrating excessively due to a sudden spike in current that could cause damage over time.

Finally, a soft starter can save you money on electricity bills by ensuring that no more power than necessary is used when operating your AC unit. This not only reduces costs but is also better for the environment as it reduces overall power consumption.


Questions: What are the benefits of a RV AC Soft Start Kit?

The benefits of an RV AC Soft Start Kit are numerous. The most significant benefit is that it allows the RV AC unit to gradually ramp up its power consumption, rather than abruptly overloading the system all at once. This reduces strain on the RV AC unit, leading to increased efficiency and a longer life. Additionally, with a soft start kit, the efficiency of the AC is improved as it draws less power in total over time; this will reduce your energy bills in the long run. In addition, having a soft start kit can prevent surges and spikes from occurring in the overall power system, as well as providing more consistent cooling for more comfortable trips. Finally, installing a soft start kit may offer some peace of mind since it exudes greater reliability and safety compared to traditional AC units without one.

Are there any potential drawbacks to using a soft start kit for an RV AC?

Yes, there are potential drawbacks to using a soft start kit for an RV AC. One potential drawback is that the initial cost of purchasing and installing the soft start kit may be expensive, which can outweigh any savings from running your AC unit more efficiently. Additionally, since soft start kits require electrical connections and some knowledge of electrical wiring, it may require professional installation in order to ensure that it is set up correctly. Furthermore, depending on the age of your RV AC unit, it may not function properly with a soft start kit installed due to compatibility issues or an outdated technology. Finally, you should consider the climate conditions of where you are traveling, as the soft start kit can potentially overwork your AC unit in hot conditions leading to potential breakdowns.